Articles on: Vormats Mobile

How to change user settings on mobile

At present, the Vormats app allows you to log out, delete your account, and adjust device notification preferences. However, any actions related to changing your name, avatar, or password are accessible through the Vormats Web.

To open Settings click on user avatar in right top corner

Clicking on your data (name. email and avatar) you will see Log out or Delete account options


Be aware by deleting your account all your videos will be deleted, including all videos that you may have shared in team folders.

Chat with support or video expert allow you get support right from the Vormats app


You have the ability to manage the types of notifications permitted on your device, and any modifications made will be automatically saved.


At any time, you can access the Terms & Conditions and Privacy options on this screen as well.

Updated on: 13/04/2023

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