Articles on: User Management

How to reset a user password

User Management

To email a user again, you must log in within Vormats. Then click on your name in the lower left corner, and then click on Company Settings. Then click on Users to go to user management.

Important: To see the company settings, you must have the appropriate user rights. Send an e-mail to if you are the administrator of your Vormats account and want to use Vormats User Management.

To reset a password

Click the three dots next to the user whose password you want to reset.

Then click Reset Password.

You'll get a message in the upper right corner saying Reset Password Successfully, once the email is sent.

What happens on the user side?

The user receives an email to reset the password. In this email, the user will find a link to reset your password.

After the user clicks on the password reset link, the user is redirected to the Vormats app to change the password.

Once the password is changed, the user is redirected to the Vormats app login screen.

Then the user can login to the app with your email address and newly created password on the login page

Updated on: 30/07/2024

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