How to trim your Vormats video on Web
If you want to edit the start and/or the end of your video, it’s possible to trim your Vormats video.
It's only possible to trim the beginning and end of the video.
Open video page on Vormats web
Choose Edit option from right sidebar.

Choose scene that you want to trim.
Choose Trim option from editor right sidebar.
Intro and Outro clips are not allowed to be trimmed, so while one of these clips is chosen, the trim option is disabled

To trim your video simply drag the start or end control to adjust the required timestamp.
For even greater accuracy, use your keyboard's right and left arrow buttons, which allow you to step through the video in 100ms step.
Editor allows to preview trimmed part immediately and display updated duration.
Right sidebar has undo and redo actions which help to manage edits.

If you want to undo all the changes, you can select the option 'Revert to original'. This will restore your video to its original state.

If your video has several scenes you can switch on trimming them with just one click. Be aware - changes you applied for the video will be remembered.

Click on 'Done' when you're happy with the result.
When you finished editing your video click on 'Save changes' to apply trimming to scenes.

Updated on: 04/05/2023
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